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Ice Bucket Challenge Helps Drug Development
작성자  : 관리자
In September, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)* made a big announcement. It said it had approved a newly developed drug to treat the disease called ALS.*

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a fatal neurological disorder that eventually leaves a person unable to walk, talk, and breathe. However, the FDA-approved medicine, named Relyvrio, may help to prolong the life of ALS patients.

The announcement is also notable because the development of this drug was funded by a worldwide campaign called the Ice Bucket Challenge.

The Ice Bucket Challenge was launched in 2014 by Pat Quinn and Pete Frates, two Americans who were diagnosed with ALS. The challenge consisted of people dumping a bucket filled with ice water over their heads. They uploaded the video of the act on social media and encouraged others to do the same.

The challenge became a social phenomenon in Korea, as well. A large number of ordinary people took videos while getting drenched in ice water. Famous celebrities like soccer star Son Heung-min, comedian Yoo Jae-suk, and K-pop singer IU also joined in and urged others to make donations.

Through this viral trend, the campaign successfully raised around 115 million dollars in five years for ALS research. It also increased the global awareness of the rare disease.

Currently, more than 200,000 people have been diagnosed with ALS around the world. Thanks to the Ice Bucket Challenge, the aid given to the patients and the study of the disease have dramatically increased.

“We thank the millions of people who donated, participated, and enabled us to invest in promising therapies,” said Calaneet Balas, the president of the ALS Association.

* Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 미국 식품의약국

* ALS 루게릭 병 (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)