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How to Tell If Someone Is Lying
작성자  : 관리자
It goes without saying that good relationships must be based on trust. But unfortunately, there are times when someone may not be speaking the whole truth to you. This may turn out to be a harmless white lie, or it may be something that you should be fully aware of.

Of course, we cannot – nor would want to – carry lie detectors around, letting us know when someone is speaking falsely. However, polygraph experts have a few tips on how we can distinguish lies during conversations.

These experts suggest focusing on the baseline behavior of people. Baseline behavior refers to the way that someone usually acts in normal situations. When someone is lying, small changes in gestures, facial expressions, or tone of voice may be detected from this baseline behavior.

For example, people tend to use their hands unnecessarily when they are speaking falsehoods. They may twist and twirl their hair or shrug their shoulders. They are also prone to have their palms away from their counterpart. They may hide their palms under a table or put them in their pockets.

Facial expressions can tell us a lot about people’s inner thoughts, as well. People usually avoid making eye contact or blink their eyes more frequently when they lie. Another telltale sign is when people purse their lips. They could be doing this when they want to evade answering a question.

Lastly, polygraph experts advise us to carefully observe how people participate in a conversation. A high-pitched voice may suggest that their vocal muscles have tightened up while attempting to convince the other person. This then leads them to raise the volume of their speech.

According to the experts, this is a common strategy people use to defend their words, and it may signal either nervousness or deception.