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Robots Inspired by Nature
작성자  : 관리자
Humans often look towards nature for inspiration. In recent years, various roboticists have found success in studying living creatures and using them to solve complex problems.

The following are two examples of such biomimicry* being used in robotics.

Elephant Trunk

The trunk of an elephant is a marvel of nature. As an extension of the animal’s nose, the group of muscles is incredibly flexible and powerful, as well as precise enough to pick up a single blade of grass.

In October, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials* introduced a robotic gripper that is inspired by the remarkable appendage of elephants.

Elephants normally use their trunk to grasp objects in two ways. They can pick up a small object by pinching it with the opposable muscles at the end of their trunk, called “fingers.” With a larger object, they suck in the air through their nostrils to create a vacuum.

Likewise, the robotic gripper has flexible wires and soft plastic materials to mimic the fingers of elephant trunks. At the same time, it also uses a powerful vacuum to attach itself to heavier objects.

Flying Insects

In February, a research team at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom created highly efficient flying robots with flapping wings. The machines are based on the movements of bees and other insects.

Previous winged robots have relied on motors and gears to create flying movements, which is not the way wings connect in nature. So instead, the Bristol researchers developed a system of artificial muscles that directly control the robots’ wings.

Because of this direct connection, the plastic-panel wings can deliver a more consistent flapping movement, similar to the wings of actual creatures. Also, the absence of motors and gears enables the insect-sized robots to be smaller and lighter overall.

The Bristol researchers said they expected their microrobots to one day be used for surveillance and rescue missions in dangerous environments.

* biomimicry 자연모방 (생물체의 특성, 구조 및 원리를 산업 전반에 적용시키는 것)

* Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials 한국기계연구원