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Korean Teens Win Anti-Hacking Contest
작성자  : 관리자
For three days in October 2022, an annual anti-hacking competition for students took place in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Interestingly, high schoolers and university students from Korea dominated the event.

The contest, called the Ko-World Hackathon, is organized every year by Korea Polytechnics’ Seoul Gangseo Campus. For its fifth and latest event, the school received sponsorship from the ruling royal family of Dubai and took the competition overseas for the first time.

The goal of the Ko-World Hackathon is to foster the talents of high schoolers and university students worldwide who are interested in computer programming and cybersecurity.

To this end, the young participants are asked to act as white hat hackers, or hackers who use their skills for good rather than for criminal purposes. These hackers usually get hired by companies and governments to analyze networks and servers and discover their weak points.

For the competition, the students take on a series of missions in which they hack into various servers. Then, they must successfully get past security programs and “steal” heavily protected files.

From July to September 2022, the qualification stage of the Ko-World Hackathon took place online, with over 230 students from 27 nations participating in the missions. Afterwards, the top six contestants were chosen for the final in Dubai.

Amazingly, all six finalists turned out to be Korean. Three of the students were in high school, while the other three were university students.

In the end, Lee Seo-joon of Sunrin Internet High School took the top prize and received 20 million won in prize money.

“I didn’t imagine winning first place, but it feels good to receive recognition on such a big stage,” the 17-year-old student said.