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Justin Bieber Sells Music Catalog
작성자  : 관리자
Justin Bieber is one of the most renowned names in the world of popular music. Since debuting in 2009 at the age of 15, he has released numerous songs that topped music charts around the world.

In late January, the Canadian musician made headlines not for a new single, but rather for an eye-catching business decision. He sold the rights to all the songs he had released so far.

Bieber gave up the rights to his publishing and artist royalties from his song catalog, which is composed of 291 tracks. They include the Grammy-winning singer’s six studio albums and hit singles like “Baby,” “Stay,” and “Yummy.”

Bieber made the sale to Hipgnosis Songs Capital, a British company that focuses on music investment. According to reports, Bieber received around 200 million dollars in the deal.

The 28-year-old is just the latest musician to sell the rights to an entire song catalog. Other big names in the music industry to recently do so include Bob Dylan, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, and the group, Imagine Dragons.

Some of these artists are older and at the end of their careers, but others, like Bieber and Imagine Dragons, are still active professionally.

However, a few artists, such as Taylor Swift, are at the other end of the spectrum. They insist on keeping creative control and retaining the publishing rights to their music at all costs.

Meanwhile, companies that are purchasing the song catalogs, such as Hipgnosis Songs Capital, believe that their investment will pay huge dividends in the future. For example, they will continue to earn profits by streaming the songs. They will also own the right to use the music in all movies and commercials.