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Different Ways to Help Bees
작성자  : 관리자

It goes without saying that bees perform a vital role in ecosystems throughout the world. However, many species of bees are struggling to survive, due to such factors as urban development, pollution, and climate change.

To counter this situation, various organizations are looking into ways to boost the bee population. Here are two projects that may give much-needed help to the flying insects.

Bee Forest

In 2018, the government of South Chungcheong Province began making a special forest for honeybees. In five years, it planted nearly 850,000 trees to establish a forest that measures around 34 million square meters, or about the size of 4,733 soccer fields.

The forest consists of tulip trees, sumac trees,* and chestnut trees.* These trees are known to be rich sources of food for honeybees.

Through the forest, the provincial government aims to boost the local honeybee population and the ecosystem. In addition, local honeybee farmers are expected to benefit greatly from the ambitious project.

Bee Vaccine

In January, the United States government approved the use of a new vaccine for honeybees. It is the first time for a vaccination method to be used to help bees.

The vaccine will protect bee larvae from a bacterial illness called American foulbrood disease.* The highly contagious disease attacks the larvae of the honeybees, and if left unattended, it can destroy entire hives and colonies.

Unlike humans, the vaccine will not be administered by a syringe. Instead, it will be mixed into a sugar paste that is absorbed by the worker bees to make royal jelly for the queen bee. Then, the queen will give birth to larvae with immunity to the disease.

* sumac tree 옻나무

* chestnut tree 밤나무

* foulbrood disease 부저병 (꿀벌의 애벌레나 번데기가 벌집에서 세균에 감염되어 썩는 병)