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Pope Francis Marks 10th Year
작성자  : 관리자
On March 13, 2013, Pope Francis became the new head of the Catholic Church. This year marks the 10th anniversary of his election as supreme pontiff of one of the world’s most venerated institutions.

Francis’s story began on December 17, 1936, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio to an Italian immigrant family, Francis felt the call of religion after being inspired by a priest during a confession. He soon joined the Jesuit order and rose through the ranks, eventually becoming archbishop of Buenos Aires. He held this position until he was elected to replace Pope Benedict XVI.

Since his election a decade ago, Francis’s papacy has differed significantly from that of his predecessors. As history’s first Latin American pope, Francis has never shied away from standing out and weighing in on contemporary issues.

From his first official trip as pope, Francis made clear his intention to focus on the practical side of faith. He met with scores of downtrodden refugees on the Italian island of Lampedusa. There, he offered a ray of hope to migrants who were struggling after fleeing from Africa.

In addition, Francis has been a passionate champion of environmental causes and an outspoken critic of unfettered capitalism. Through an official encyclical letter* in 2015, he emphasized that climate change was being driven by greed and disproportionately impacting the world’s poor.

He has also made various trips around the world to share his faith and spread his message of peace. In 2015, he became the first pope to visit an active war zone when he flew to the war-torn Central African Republic.

Among his plans for the future, Francis has launched reforms aimed at redistributing power within the Catholic Church. Through the changes, he hopes to make the church a more inclusive place for the faithful.

* encyclical letter 회칙 (로마 교황이 교회 전체에 관계 있는 문제에 관하여 전 세계의 주교에게 보내는 칙서)