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Rolling Bridge Shows Creativity
작성자  : 관리자
Earlier this year, an unusual footbridge was completed in London, the United Kingdom. The unique rotating structure allows people to play an active role in its movement.

The Cody Dock Rolling Bridge was constructed at a former industrial dock in East London. The area was recently transformed into a cultural district and nature park for residents and tourists.

A footbridge was needed so that people could cross over a small channel in the area. The bridge would also have to be moveable to allow boats enough headroom* to pass underneath.

The most obvious solution would have been a drawbridge,* which is made up of two decks that lift up in the middle. However, a team of architects and engineers decided to think outside the box and came up with an ingenious plan.

The resulting footbridge weighs 15 tons and is composed of steel and bent oak. Boasting a one-of-a-kind design, its large metallic squares and weathered look were inspired by the Industrial Age of the 19th century.

Most of the time, the bridge’s flat steel deck enables pedestrians and cyclists to cross the channel. Then, when needed, the bridge can roll to its side to move out of the way of passing boats.

The bridge’s large squares have steel teeth on their edges, enabling them to travel on a pair of tracks. There are also gears and a concrete ballast* that acts as a counterweight to the bridge.

Impressively, the entire structure is carefully engineered so that it does not require a motor or electricity to move. Instead, it is completely powered by manual winches that connect to the bridge through a series of cables.

By turning the winches by hand, enough power is created through the gears and balances to slowly move the 15-ton bridge. It takes about 20 minutes of continuous turning of the levers to roll the bridge by 180 degrees and let the boats through the canal.

* headroom 시설물과 차량 지붕 사이의 공간

* drawbridge 도개교 (들어올릴 수 있는 다리)

* ballast 바닥짐 (배나 열기구에 무게를 주고 중심을 잡기 위해 바닥에 놓는 무거운 물건)