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Hollywood Writers Go on Strike
작성자  : 관리자
Viewers usually pay the greatest attention to actors and directors when watching TV shows and movies. However, these films and programs would not be possible without the writers who imagine the plots and come up with the dialogues.

That is why the recent work stoppage by TV-and-film writers in the United States has had such an impact. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that much of Hollywood came to a standstill.

These TV-and-film writers belong to the Writers Guild of America (WGA).* In April, around 11,500 union members stopped working and formed picket lines* around major studios in California and New York City.

The writers decided to strike after failing to reach an agreement with major production companies. These companies include Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Paramount, and Sony.

Some of the writers’ demands include better wages and compensation received for their work, which have changed due to Netflix and other streaming sites. They are also seeking to stop production companies from reducing the number of hired writers per program.

“There’s too much work and not enough pay,” one striking writer told the media.

Another demand of the writers concerns the use of “artificial intelligence or similar technologies.” They say that A.I. should not be used to write or rewrite their material.

The strike by the WGA impacted Hollywood in different ways. Late night talk shows, which require a continuous stream of new content, halted production and began airing reruns. Some upcoming TV shows and movies that were in production temporarily shut down their sets and rescheduled their release dates.

As of mid-May, the writers’ strike continued with no end in sight. Although most actors have remained on the sidelines, some celebrities have shown their solidarity with the writers.

“Everyone including myself hopes both sides reach a deal,” said talk show host Stephen Colbert. “But I also think that the writers’ demands are not unreasonable.”

* Writers Guild of America (WGA) 미국 작가협회

* picket line 피켓 라인 (노동 쟁의 때 출근 저지 투쟁을 위해 파업 노동자들이 늘어선 줄)